Saturday, 18 August 2012

Fauzia's Rose Rolls

Here is my version of Fuizia'a Rose Roll.  It was a great hit with every one. I made them for our family picnic tomorrow but typical kids they simply had to try one each and one each became all of them when dad also had to try one.

 Oh well I guess the BBQ planned for today will have to be more moved to tomorrow as everyone is well fed:) Thanks Fauzia I will be making more of you recipes in future. You can find this and other great recipes here:

I cheated and used Ready made puff pastry and also changed the filling a bit to suit my families taste.

I call it Fauzia's Spicy Chicken and Mushroom filling:

5 Chicken Breasted diced
125 ml boiling water
2 chicken Stock cubes, disolved in the above
1 tsp Salt (Aromat for those in South Africa adds lovely flavour too)
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp basil
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp dried chili flakes (I'm not brave enough to chop them myself)

Mixed the ingredients and marinate the chicken in the liquid for an hour before boiling it together until all liquid has evaporated.

4 Shallots or 2 onions finely chopped
250g mushrooms sliced
2tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
1 cup milk

Heat the butter and fry the mushrooms and onions until the onions are soft.  Add the precooked Chicken mixture and fry for a few minutes.  Stir in the flour, add the milk and cook until thick.  Leave to cool completely.

Prepare the rolls as Fauzia suggest and cook.

If you are using puff pastry like lazy me you can fill a pan dish and simply cover with the pastry, brush with egg and bake in a preheated hot oven for 20-25 minutes or until the pastry is golden and puffed up.

Hope you enjoy.

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